Thursday, February 7, 2008

Progress so far toward facillitating an online learning community in second life

As I progress towards meeting the requirement of my third assignment for the Facilitating online learning communities course I need to blog where I am at with this at present and how I have arrived at this point.

I have been developing a growing love hate relationship with second life since I first joined as Lala Aluveaux, a persona that I no longer use since I lost my head.

As I considered what I might do to facilitate an online learning community I started to think about a virtual birthing centre. I managed to find a place where women can experience virtual pregnancy, but nothing about midwifery education. On the 4th of February I posted a message on the forum for discussion on midwifery and reproductive health research [MIDWIFERY-RESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK]. this is UK based but has an international following of those interested in, and involved in midwifery research.

This email received a good response and there are a group of around 7 midwives from the UK, Australia and New Zealand who are interested in participating. I created a blog posting to help people who are not currently in second life to get started. I have also sent another message through the midwives group about possible dates. I originally picked the 26th or 27th of February however this conflicted with mid-term break in the UK and so have changed to the 1st or 2nd of March as the most likely date.

My most recent blog posting explained how Sarah an I went into second life and met with one of the midwives who has expressed interest in this and together we have created a second life midwives group.

Plan at present is:
*)Spend a little more time with Arwenna and get a bit more skill in second life myself
*)Firm up a location for our initial meeting in second life
*)Plan where to go from this location, I hope to liaise with a Uk midwifery educator who already has a virtual birthing/learning space
*)Arrange a programme for the meeting, what we might discuss

I think an important part of this initial meeting will be to firm up another time to meet together so that we can all progress an online group of midwifery educators developing online learning, networking and conferencing resources in second life.

If anyone reading this post is interested in joining us please leave comment or email me at with your name and SL name and I will add you to my list.

1 comment:

Bronwyn hegarty said...

It will be important not to make the session too complex. The act of planning the facilitation has had you facilitating already. when you are all in SL keep the programme light and fun so people are comfortable. your idea of a presentation is good and maybe just let the discussion flow from there. Too rigid a programme may stilt the flow - my previous experience in SL for one of these facilitation sessions was more of an exploration and relaxed fun - that worked fine.

your idea to visit another space is good as well. Do have a backup plan though eg if voice does not work - how to retrieve lost people etc.

any more stuff to do and you might be there for days. :) I will send out a search party if you do not return.:O

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